Elder Brad and Sister Marie Parkinson

Elder Brad and Sister Marie Parkinson

Called to serve in the New Mexico, Farmington Mission in the Navajo Nation, (Many Farms, AZ) from Jan 2011 to July 2012

Mission Picture

Mission Picture
Ready to Serve

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Best of the Rez Week 64

Best of the Rez     Week 64     March 26th to April 1st (No Fool’s)

Well, I did have a bit of fun this past week announcing that we are down to our last 100 days of the mission in Many Farms.  I was, however, rather disappointed that I did not get several applications to fill the position.  In fact, I received a few rather pointed refusals.  

This past week has felt a tiny bit like a house of mirrors experience.  I guess I need to try harder to sugar coat this experience, but the mission is life.  A couple of times this week, we have not been sure which mirror we should be facing to walk forward.

1)      Seminary, exercise, elders on the computers and housework and then we tried to get a little nap.  As our heads hit the pillow the phone rang.  Oh my!  A recent convert was asking for help because their family is in a ---- mess with another recent convert’s family.  I am sure these things happen all over the world, but I was in shock.  What now?  We called the mission counselor for help. 
Sister Tsosie met us at Evelyn Sam’s and we had the peach cobbler for her birthday.  We really enjoy visiting Evelyn and Joe.  They are very nice to us and they loved the peach cobbler.
We drove to Rock Point for piano but our home teaching people were not home.  We were also able to teach one of our temple prep ladies that night.  Wow! Is she ever on fire and ready to embrace the gospel?  She just sat and cried that she left the church for over 30 years.

2)      Tuesday started calmer.  After seminary and exercise we did the new bishop’s board.  What a delight!  When we came there were 3 men and 4 women holding jobs (one other woman was called but she was not functioning).  It looks a little different today!  It is not time to relax but it is good to find joy in the journey.
Piano was fun/sad that night.  I had 4 out of 7 show up.  EP taught a temple prep while I taught piano.  ARP was our next no show but we went to a lesson with the young elders with Sister Tso’s grandchildren.  Then EP taught Brother Logan how to garden.  He loved that.  He came in to shower and the young elders showed up and came right in and sat down.  What’s up?  Which mirror am I looking in now?  Two of our elders got an emergency transfer because there were problems somewhere else on the mission and they were called out to help.  That means we are down to 2 elders again.  This was extremely sad news to all of us.  The foursome was having quite the time.  They split each pair so everyone was equally sad.  During all this, bishop’s family called and needed a blessing (he is in training somewhere).  After EP got out of the shower we all headed to bishops.  Their 13 year old daughter has got to have gall bladder surgery tomorrow.  Someone needs to do a study on Navajo gall bladders out here—something is definitely wrong.

3)      We decided to do one last hurray with our foursome so we had them to breakfast at     5: 45 AM.  It was fun but not.  They ate lots of pancakes and then Elder Eging and Elder Bankhead were on their way about 6: 15 AM. 
Seminary and back to bed.  We finished Isaiah which I am very excited about.  For our last day of Isaiah we are doing my Isaiah reading which I love.  It is tax time even in the mission field so we got everything ready there and headed to Chinle to send it all off.  We bought a pizza and goodies for the bishop and dropped them off on the way home and rushed home for piano no shows.  My first students to show came at 7 and we had a 7 teaching appointment.  I made one attempt and we were off to Begaye’s.  Tivona is so excited about the church but her family is not so sure.  We told them about conference and she wanted to see the prophet.  We told her she could come with us.

4)      The Isaiah reading—except we ran out of time so we will finish tomorrow.  EP is out of his Activia and do we believe in it—YES!  We headed to Gallup to buy more and a few other supplies.  I think it was our first trip we did not see one other missionary at either Wal Mart or Sizzler (all missionaries get ½ price at Sizzler).  Then we headed straight home for another piano no show.  We drove out and taught Selena piano and Sister Yoe temple prep.  Our other lesson fell through as well.
Okay—big news—nose bleed free for first day in months.

5)      French Toast and Isaiah – fun morning.  Elder Parkinson worked out in the garden.  We tried to get one couple to lunch but couldn’t find them.  We had another family coming to supper so all is well.  We cooked and got things ready and then I taught piano from 4 to 7. 
The Ahasteen’s came for piano, supper and to watch ‘The Testament’.  I think it was a fun evening.  They certainly can eat.  He is the most amazing artist.  He drew the Snowflake Temple on the chalk board and it is just wonderful.

6)      CONFERENCE!!!!!!  We headed to Chinle about 9: 30 AM.  Two ward members came along with the 16 missionaries from the entire area.  Oh, was conference wonderful!  EP and I had Chinese between sessions and then a very nice nap as I had been up most of the night with a headache.
Afternoon session – just as wonderful.  We were SO excited about the new seventy – Elder Larry Echo Hawk!  The first American Indian since – the problem.  We both had classes with Larry at BYU and have always held him in high esteem.  I kept the article about him in the Church News and had it with me at conference.  He is actually from Farmington but is a Pawnee Indian. 
After conference the 4 senior couples headed out to eat.  We went to Thunderbird –okay.  Then the woman sat and chatted/laughed while the men went to Priesthood session.  So much fun.  Then home.
We cooked for the next day and hit the bed.

7)      We finished our dished, picked up Tivona and headed to Chinle.  The biggest thrill of our day was reading Tivona’s notes on conference.  She is 10 years old, has been a member since December and she took notes like a pro.  Let me write a few things she said.
Elder Uchtdorf: (She first drew a picture of 2 children fighting and repenting – then a heart  that says – our heart is filled with goodness and our grateful Father). “Stop it!  God is our Father.  Our Father is our leader.  Be kind to one another-forgive each other-don’t sin.  Stop it!  Now!!  Everyone is our brother and sister.  We care for one another!  Overcome evil with good love and kindness.  We are NOT perfect.  We have anger, madness and we sometimes sin.”
Elder Nelson: “We were created by our lovely Father.  We have love somewhere in our heart – FIND IT!!! Our Father paid for our sins, our hateness.  He paid for mostly everything that was bad.  Be thankful that he paid for those things, do good, no more bad.  STOP SINNING NOW!!!!  Be happy!!!! Our spirit and body needs to be together again so we can actually see him in person.  We have food, a house, a family, clothes and a Bible to read.  Most of all we have Father.  Believe that he created us.  Believe that everything is true.  That is our #1 Father, God and Jesus Christ.”
So what do you think?  There is more—she was wonderful.  I must admit that my deepest fear in leaving is ‘my children – my Navajo children.’
After the morning session we fixed lunch and the 16 missionaries and Tivona had a wonderful dinner.  It was so yummy—Lasagna, bread, Caesar Salad, cabbage salad, fruit salad, and oatmeal cake.  Of course, we had to have a few stories as well.  It was a very fun day.
Then the afternoon session and it was over.  We went to give Sister Tsosie a blessing; drove Tivona to her uncle’s and headed home.  We were beat but it was too late to nap.  We sat a minute and then prepared for seminary.  I have great fear in teaching Jeremiah – I think he has one of the saddest of stories.
Neil left for Las Vegas where he is going to try to work for Katie’s husband selling motorized wheel chairs.  Becca and the boys are staying in SLC until school is out.  Our prayers are with them as they are with all our children.  Brian has 2 weeks of tax season left and that always scares me.  He drives home from Idaho Falls so late at night and he must be exhausted.

Week 64 – some unexpected surprised for sure.  And some wonderful delights.  Conference was just wonderful and being with the other seniors for a couple of days was a delight.  Sister Vogel from Michigan is a RIOT.  Sister Lybbert from Canada is so quiet and just sits to our side and laughs.  Sister Roberts is the doer and tries to keep control of all of us.  Good Luck to that! 

The Church is True,

            Don’t judge me cuz my sins are different than yours,

                        Much Love,

                                    Elder and Sister Parkinson

I think this is interesting.  They have workers go
along the sidewalks and shovel the sand out into
the street where a scoop truck comes along and cleans it up.
They do it about once a month.

Just the skyline driving up to Rock Point on a stormy day.

The Bishop's board with all the ward callings.
A few more than 7!

The final foursome being served pancakes by EP
at 5: 45 AM.  Out last good-bye.
Elder Openshaw, EP, Elder Eging,
Elder Bankhead and Elder Giles.
Elder Bankhead and Elder Eging are leaving.
Elder Giles and Elder Openshaw are left behind as
new companions.

Elder Bankhead always tries to portray the mature one.
The others are just in tears.

Kayla going through the obstacle course showing
her trust in following Kelsey's directions.
Do we trust our Prophet enough to follow him?
They told us how to put our garden produce in containers
and bury them in your garden.  We just dug up our
potatoes and they made it through the winter.  GREAT!

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