Elder Brad and Sister Marie Parkinson

Elder Brad and Sister Marie Parkinson

Called to serve in the New Mexico, Farmington Mission in the Navajo Nation, (Many Farms, AZ) from Jan 2011 to July 2012

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Best of the Rez Week 47

Best of the Rez     Week 47     November 28th to December 4th

1)      We actually started this week with some exercise.  (After Seminary of course.)  We went over to the gym and then I got an OCD moment - or hour.  Sister Davis gave us all the left over crayons from her school.  They were in boxes according to colors.  I separated them all out and put them into boxes that contained all the colors in the same box to give to the other seminary teachers.  That took some time and oh, my aching back. 
That afternoon we returned to Many Farms Community School for the afterschool program. This time Elder Parkinson was going to teach birds and then I would teach singing with the leftover time.  WELL—they were having a board meeting and so they brought 3 groups of kids in—all different ages.  It really went pretty well, and we controlled them pretty good but it was not our ideal teaching situation.  We had brought crayons and pictures for them to color.  That went pretty well?#*#, but we ran out of pictures in the first section and had another one to go.  There were kids everywhere and they all wanted us to see at the same time.  Oh my!  What an experience.  The next group was just one class of 18 and went very well, but we had run out of pictures so they made some for us—on green paper.  Elder Parkinson kept saying – Never Again.

2)      I have no idea what happened, but I woke up sicker than sick in the night.  It was awful.  We canceled seminary since Brad didn’t feel very well either.  Sister Tsosie called early and wanted to know if we could go over to Tsalie when we were going visiting teaching to give a friend a blessing.  I felt okay—lying in bed, so we told her yes.  We couldn’t find anyone to help give a blessing, but we picked her up and headed to Tsalie.  It is a very pretty drive, but it wasn’t long till I knew I was in trouble.  Brad pulled over and I lost my breakfast.  I did feel better after so on we went.  We gave her friend a blessing and talked with them.  Then we headed to Many Farms but we only found one of our people home.  Then we took her to lunch and brought me back to bed. 
Elder Parkinson taught the piano lessons.  I got a call from our investigator family that they were on their way to Phoenix as the oldest girl had a tumor.  They needed supper.  I called around and couldn’t find anyone to help so when Brad came home he put in pot pies and took them supper.

3)      Happy Birthday to me!  I still didn’t feel terrific but I was up and going for my birthday.  We went over to Chinle and went out to eat with the Roberts.  Love that couple!  I still didn’t feel very well, but the food good.  I got a cute card from my 15th ward visiting teacher and the 15th ward RS.  Oh, it feels good to be remembered. 
I was supposed to do YM-YW but they had something else planned so I was free to go to Evelyn’s.  The YW called me in and gave me a book and a beautiful necklace.  It was wonderful and I got hugs from them all. 
We planned out the baptism and had a good lesson with Evelyn.  I told her Brad had made me a cake and she wanted 10 pieces.  April (her daughter) followed us home and they took 10 pieces.  (Evelyn was embarrassed that we really gave them 10.)  We had cake with the elders. The Tsosie girls called and sang to me.  I was in tears.  All the kids called and my brother and sister called.  Fun day—so far away.

4)      One of my birthday presents was that our investigator family all headed to Phoenix to be with their daughter and I was put in charge of dog sitting.  They have a two dachshunds—one black and one red, and some really furry puppy.  I love dogs so even clean up was great!

5)      Thursday was Brad’s turn.  He didn’t have the stomach flu but boy did he get a cold.  He didn’t even get up for seminary and slept all day long.  Friday he was still way under the weather and Saturday I taught piano and then we did a little GPS and called it a day.  He still felt terrible.
Evelyn ended up staying in Phoenix (doctor’s visit) because of the snow, so the baptism was postponed till Sunday.

6)      Sunday was interesting at church.  We had a good turn out to church.  Sister Martinez accepted to be a primary counselor.  She said she wasn’t ready and I told her we were joined at the hip and together we could do this.  She came in to primary and we started with a prayer and then the president asked me if I had a video or something because she didn’t know where her book was.  GRRRR!  I had everyone sit in a circle and then we all learned about one another—family members, favorite ice cream—stuff like that.  One of the Grandma’s came in with us which was confusing but fun.  Then we had sharing time and that was fun.
We had Sister Davis and Brother Simpson eat with us since they were staying for the baptism. 
And sure enough, at 2:30 we were ready for our baptisms.  I should mention that when Grandma was going to be baptized, my little Tivona that actually started all this with her piano lessons got permission to be baptized as well.  She learned the songs to play for the baptism and could sing them while she played.  She is the dearest thing in the world and every week tells us how she is coming to Idaho with us.  Boy—do I wish it could be.
At school some kids were teasing her about how there isn’t a God and she turned around and asked, “Then who made you?”
Anyhow, I thought the baptism was wonderful.  Todd was a little nervous, but how many people get to baptize his grandmother and cousin sister the day before he leaves on his mission.  Todd’s father, Evelyn’s son-in-law confirmed Evelyn and Elder Parkinson confirmed Tivona.  We had ice cream and cookies afterward and it seemed very nice.

And so ends week 47 with a very wonderful baptism.  We love Evelyn but Tivona is our little girl.  She is the youngest in her family and determined to lead the way.  We hope that we can baptize more family members before we leave.  And we so hope they will stay with us.  With her one daughter being a faithful member we believe it can happen.
The Church is True,

            Growing older is fine if it means families connect,

                        Our love and wishes,
                                    Love all,

                                               Elder and Sister Parkinson
Kelsey said she was cold and wrapped her head up.
We thought it was worth a picture.

Elder Shreeve, Elder Evans, Shaycee,
the birthday girl with cake, April Begay and Bill.
Tivona Begaye, Evelyn Begay, and Todd Smith
                                              (her grandson leaving on a mission tomorrow.)
Part of Tommy, Taylynn, Trent, Tanya, Tivona,
Evelyn, Todd and the two of us.

Add Todd's brother and mother, Wileen and father Terrill Smith.

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