Elder Brad and Sister Marie Parkinson

Elder Brad and Sister Marie Parkinson

Called to serve in the New Mexico, Farmington Mission in the Navajo Nation, (Many Farms, AZ) from Jan 2011 to July 2012

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Mission Picture
Ready to Serve

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Best of the Rez Week 52 One Year

Best of the Rez     Week 52 (Yes a year ends)     January 2nd to January 8th

I wondered if I would ever see the day; now that it is here, I cannot even imagine how it passed.  Did we really live this past year or is it a big dream.  I usually talk about amusement park rides, but maybe this last year is more of the movie ‘Inception.’  I sometimes wonder if I am awake or asleep.  And more times than that, I wonder if I want to be awake or asleep.
This really was a perfect day for a 1 year mark.  We had 85 show up to church.  I do not know if I am proud of this or not, but little Sister Tsosie (70 years old and suffering BADLY for arthritis) hitch-hiked to church in a cold wind.  She was scheduled for a temple recommend interview and was going to make it.  And her inactive daughter came for the 3rd week in a row.  We had 4 investigators and the young elders had 10.  WOW!  We are just sitting here wondering what is going on.  People are coming to church.  In one of the meetings, they had them introduce themselves (EP idea), and one young man said he was here because some lady told him he had to come.  It was the boy we helped repair the road and the lady was – of course – me.  I wish Elder Callister would have shown up today, but maybe we can keep some of them coming!!!

1)      We actually had a hopeful start to the New Year.  We taught Ardawn a great lesson.  She would give anything to join, but has nowhere to go but with the member she lives with that will not marry her.  Sister Gene and Sister Wheeler sat in as well and it was a great lesson on Joseph Smith.  We gave April Begay a blessing and are crossing are fingers we can baptize her to join her mother.  Then we went to Logan’s and had a good lesson with them.  He even turned off the Rose Bowl for us.  Then we taught our Gospel Insights class and that went well also.  Good day!

2)      Tuesday was a bit slower, but we are starting back with piano lessons.  ARP didn’t happen but we had a wonderful lesson with the Begaye’s.  (Notice an E now)  Tivona would love to have her family join her.  I think the lesson went well.

3)      Wednesday we drove over to Chinle to interview with President Jones.  I think that went okay except for the coaching comment.  We came home and worked on Seminary and then piano lessons started.  I started 4 new students tonight and then my regular 4 showed up as well.  Long night, but our appointment was not there so we got a little rest.

4)      We taught Sister Tsosie and then went to eat with the Roberts.  That always brightens our day.  Sister Tsosie was in so much pain that EP went to get Elder Roberts to help give a blessing.  When we left she was walking and laughing.  We set up her day to go through the temple.  She seems excited. 
I met with the Primary President and showed her how to hold presidency meetings.  We got everything set up for the year—hopefully!
Our 4:30 fell through but we had a great lesson in Round Rock.  A husband/father got baptized in August and has never been back.  We were trying to light a fire there and hopefully some good will come of it.  Our next appointment fell through, but we are confident they will come through later.

5)      Friday are always fun.  EP cleaned the church while I taught piano lessons to the Benally’s.  That afternoon I taught a few more piano lessons while EP went out with John Draper making visits.  They went over to Round Rock. 
That night they young elders had a baptism.  It was suppose to be at 7 and at 7 there was not one soul here.  They came over and just shook their heads.  About 20 after one car drove in.  It was the family!  We called the bishop and he was in Gallup.  We went to find John Draper and he came out not ready at all and said he thought it was at 7:30.  Well, it was 7:30.  Anyhow, we got him to come and President Curley showed up with Kelsey and so we had a very tiny baptism.  They Elders felt a little sad but happy to have baptized Dakota Plante, an eleven year old, that is bringing his family back into activity.
After the baptism, EP got the idea to watch a movie that he had bought – “Next Three Days.’  It was a bit more intense than we had bargained for and I was a complete wreck.  I couldn’t sleep, but I did like the movie.

6)      Saturday was a youth temple trip.  Bishop had called and asked us if we would drive his children over so we headed to Snow Flake.  It is a very long drive to and back again.  We took 4 and Curley’s brought 2.  Sister Yoe showed up with her parents to see the temple. (They did not have recommends so it was a bit confusing but I think all ended well.) We also had a bit of fun chatting with Brian Lord’s that also taught in Rexburg and is now at Window Rock.  Anyhow, it was a very nice day but a very long day.  We got home about 8:30, completely beat.

7)      Sunday was the welcome surprise.  It started with me in a panic trying to cook for the Begaye’s after we had slept in.  Then I rushed to pick up Carolyn and made it to church.  Tivona didn’t show for the opening hymn but came in right after – with everyone else.  As we watched that chapel fill up it was just a complete thrill.  They had the 6 that had gone to the temple bear their testimonies and then the High Councilman spoke.  It was a great meeting with all 85 of us.  The place looked packed—so wonderful.
After meeting I took Carolyn home and then rushed back for dinner—only to find out that the Begaye’s weren’t coming.  Evelyn and Tivona were here but said the others all had plans.  I asked Evelyn if that was normal, that you could invite someone to eat and work like mad preparing and then they just didn’t show up after they said they would.  She started texting and within a few minutes all the Begaye’s came.  Everything but the rolls was good—I just made them too fast.
Then we started out on our appointments.  The first was a no show, the second was sick.  We did find 2 up in Round Rock.  The boy offered a prayer thanking us for coming to help them through their struggles.  I wish we would have known them before Christmas.  The next appointment was fun for us – her son is the champion team roper, Eric Rogers.  The mother had been on placement with some of her other siblings.  We had a nice visit there and they said they would take us back and the daughter going to school in Farmington would take the missionaries over there.

By then, the sun had long gone and so had our energy.  We made it home and talked with the young elders for a while.  Everyone was so excited about all the people at church and all the possibilities for the future.  Our teaching pool is growing right along and we want to do better with follow ups.  The young elders are doing great.  We have old members reactivating and new investigators coming.  It felt good but we all realize how much work there is left to do. 
And so ends our first year in the mission field. The best thing I can say is that we made it this far, hopefully we can finish out strong. 

The Church is True,

            Lead, don’t follow,

                        All our love,

                                    Elder and Sister Parkinson
The others left us, but here are (l-r)
Tyler Benally, Mariah Woody, Jessica Benally,
me and Tyrell Benally

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